Thursday, July 30, 2015

Coochiemudlo Island 29 July 2015

 Another day in paradise. So fortunate to get in another day of plein air work, with fellow artist friend Nicola on Coochiemudlo Island.
We walked around the Eastern side, where there has been more erosion than in previous visits.
There's a number of  spectacular uprooted dead tree trunks on the north eastern side of this island which I couldn't resist working with.
I found some sea sponge for mark making  and proceeded to be captivated sponge marking  many sheets of paper.

 I also came across the remains of a turtle which felt like a gift. Below is this amazing sharp bone like structure and also a paddle like structure. I found it next to a clean turtle skull, and some turtle shell.  The  asymmetrical shape of this turtle carapace structure is amazing and I plan to continue working with it. (This photo has decided to be up side down)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Melbourne July 2015

Had a few days in Melbourne last week visiting galleries and eating lovely food.
It was wonderful to see the works of Jo Davenport at Flinders Lane Gallery in the flesh.
See the following link of Jo talking about her work:

Also a highlight was the John Wolseley show.
See link below:
How can anyone not love this man?
What I really enjoy about his work besides his dedication and total immersion, is that its all about process and understanding, rather than end  result to satisfy a perceived market.

Our short stay also coincided with the Melbourne city Art Night out whereby all the city gallery spaces were open (and we had a map!) to explore a number of hidden art spaces tucked away in the bowels and crevices  of old city buildings and lane ways. Fun.. (Did I feel like I was perhaps a doting parent of the exhibiting artists ...yes)

Nudgee Beach Plein-Air Drawing 27.07.15

A perfect day out at Nudgee Beach plein -airing with friend Chris. It was just one of those days perfect weather, sun, breeze. The  midgees and mosquitoes even laid off until later in the day.

I found myself increasingly fascinated by the rhythm of the landscape. The stands of mangroves and always the lines! .  For some of the black ink works I used a Pandanus Palm nut (totally delicious to use) that had a fibrous worn out end, a mangrove seed pod, and beach charcoal. Increasingly in my thoughts is the notion of the fragility of the landscape and its ecosystems especially in areas of high human impact.
At the end of our day, sadly it was too easy to collect 2 bags of plastic bags and debris rubbish, as a thank you to this lovely peaceful location.